43 research outputs found

    The Validity of Multiple Representations-Based Blended Learning Program to Stimulate Complex Problem Solving and Reduce Learning Loss

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    This research aims to describe the validity of multiple representations-based blended learning programs to stimulate complex problem-solving and reduce student learning loss. The products developed for validation are in the form of syllabi, Lesson Plans, Electronic Student Worksheets (e-Worksheet), and e-Handouts. This type of research includes Research and Development (R&D) using the ADDIE development design which consists of five steps, namely analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. This research is limited to the development stage. The analysis phase is the problem analysis step. The design stage is designing product development. The development stage, namely product development, is carried out by product validation by an expert validator using a validity test sheet instrument in the form of a questionnaire. Validation scores are accumulated to obtain validity values. The results of the investigation based on expert validation prove that the learning program developed is in the category of very high validity. This shows that this learning program is worth experimenting with in teaching and learning activities to find out the practicality and effectiveness of the product in stimulating complex problem-solving and reducing learning los

    Teachers’ and Students’ Perception about Creative Thinking Skills, Immersed Integrated Science Learning, and project-based Learning: A cow dung waste issue

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    Abstract: The perception of science teachers and students on project-based immersed integrated science learning: A cow dung waste issue. This study aims to describe the perception of science teachers and students about creative thinking skills, immersed integrated science learning, and project-based learning of a cow dung waste issue. The survey method used in this study were interviews and questionnaire techniques. The interviews conducted with 7 science teachers respondents. The questionnaires distributed to 121 respondents of junior high school students in the Jati Agung Subdistrict. The results showed that 85.71% of teacher respondents did not know about immersed integrated model yet. They also have never implemented project-based learning, based on the students’ questionnaires, the teachers only gave assignments to 74.07% of student respondents and did not provide real problem-solving. The environmental problem occurs in Jati Agung Subdistrict is a large number of cow dung that causes pollution on the environment around society’s houses. As many as 71.43% of teacher respondents stated that they already knew about creative thinking. However, the creative thinking skills they knew are not relevant to the Torrance framework. Based on the results, teachers’ and students' perceptions of integrated science learning, project-based learning, and creative thinking skills are not according to their nature

    Analisis Kesalahan Berbahasa di Surat Kabar Harian Sinar Indonesia Baru

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    Studi yang sudah dilakukan  ini  berniat  buat  menggambarkan   keluputan  berbincang di pesan berita setiap hari cahaya Indonesia hangat. studi ini yakni riset deskriptif kualitatif. akar data dihasilkan dari keluputan berbincang dalam  pesan berita.  kelalaian  berbincang  yang  dianalisis  berbentuk  keluputan pemakaian tulisan. teknik pengumpulan data yang dipakai yakni sistem pengarsipan. keterangan yang  pernah dihasilkan  selanjutnya dianalisis  memanfaatkan prinsip Miles and Huberman  yang  melingkupi pengecilan data, display  maupun penyajian data, selanjutnya  kesimpulan. berasas Hasil riset  ini ditemui    keluputan  berbincang  analisa kelalaian berbincang di pesan berita setiap hari cahaya Indonesia hangat adalah:  keluputan  pencatatan  huruf  yang  melingkupi  aset  serta  huruf  miring. kelalaian pencatatan  ujar yang melingkupi keluputan pencatatan ujar  depan, pengeratan huruf, serta ujar tukar. kelalaian pencatatan simbol baca yang melingkupi simbol baca titik serta simbol baca koma

    Development of H5P Moodle-Based Interactive STEM-Loaded Videos to Grow Performance Skills as an Effort to Overcome Learning Loss in Electrical Measuring Materials

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    This study aims to develop an interactive STEM-based video based on H5P Moodle that is valid, practical, and effective for cultivating performance skills as an effort to overcome learning loss in the material for measuring instruments. The research method used in this development is the R & D method using the ADDIE model which consists of five development steps namely: analyze, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The data collection instruments used include: needs analysis questionnaires, validation test questionnaires, practicality test questionnaires, and effectiveness test questionnaires. The trial design using research products shows that the H5P Moodle-based Interactive Video developed is valid, practical, effectively used in the closed-eye learning process (PTTM) through blended learning to foster performance skills as an effort to overcome learning loss. The results of the validity test obtained an average percentage of construction validity of 92.00% and content validation obtained an average percentage of 87.00%. The results of the practicality questionnaire analysis showed that the STEM-based Interactive Video based on the H5P Moodle was stated to be practical with product legibility obtaining a percentage of 96.00% in the very good category. The results of the teacher's response test using Interactive Video with STEM-based H5P Moodle obtained a percentage of 87.60% in the very good category. For student responses the percentage is 87.00%, this indicates an interactive video with STEM content based on the H5P Moodle that was developed practically. Effectiveness is shown by the results of the analysis of the average percentage of achievement of performance skills in the experimental class of 87.50 and 73.00% in the control class. An increase in performance skills of 14.50% shows that Interactive Video with STEM content based on Moodle's H5P is very effective for growing performance skills as an effort to overcome learning loss


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    This study was aimed to determine the effect of the use of LCDS-based interactive electronic schoolbook (ESB) on atomic nuclei material with a scientific approach to Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) and scientific attitudes of students and to investigate the average HOTS value of students after both using interactive and non-interactive ESB. The research design was a Non-equivalent Control Group Design, involving students as the research subjects from one of the State High Schools in Kotabumi, with XII IPA 5 as an experimental class and XII IPA 4 as a control class. Data processing techniques were performed by T-test. The results of the HOTS pretest-posttest students in the experimental class revealed that the Sig. (2-Tailed) value was smaller than 0.05, which was equal to 0,000, indicating that there was an effect of the use of LCDS-based interactive ESB with a scientific approach to the material of the atomic nuclei on HOTS students. The test results of the differences in scientific attitudes of students between the two classes enclosed that the Sig. (2-Tailed) value of 0.001 was smaller than 0.05. This implied the great influence of the use of LCDS-based interactive ESB on the scientific attitude of students. HOTS results of students in both classes also obtained the Sig. (2-Tailed) value of 0,000, stating that there was a significant difference in the average N-gain HOTS value of students who learned with LCDS-based interactive ESB against the non-interactive model

    A Need Analysis of STEM-integrated Flipped Classroom E-module to Improve Critical Thinking Skills

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    In recent years, the flipped classroom and STEM learning approach has become one of the interesting studies in Education. Various researches were conducted to determine their impact on learning. This research is a descriptive survey conducted to determine the needs of teachers and students about e-module with the STEM integrated flipped classroom. Data were collected using a questionnaire with 15 respondents who work as physics teachers in Lampung Province and 30 respondents from grade XI students in one of the high schools in Bandar Lampung. Based on the survey results, we concluded that (1) 86% of physics teachers stated that they needed a STEM-integrated flipped classroom e-module, and (2) 78% of students stated that they were interested in learning by using a STEM-integrated flipped classroom e-module. So it is clear that physics teachers and students in Lampung need e-modules with a flipped classroom approach and integrated STEM

    Problem-Solving and Computational Thinking Practices: Lesson Learned from The Implementation of ExPRession Model

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    Computational thinking ability is one of today's problem-solving methods that can be applied in physics learning. However, it is not yet known by most teachers so it has not been applied optimally in learning activities. This study aims to identify students' problem-solving and computational thinking abilities in solving well-structure physics problems. The subject of this study was the eleven grade majoring in natural science of SMAN 1 Bangunrejo. This type of research is descriptive research. The data used to analyze the students' problem-solving and computational thinking abilities were obtained from the essay test. Based on the results of descriptive analysis, it can be concluded that there is a relationship between students' problem-solving abilities and students' computational thinking abilities. In making a useful description, abstraction and decomposition abilities are needed, while to determine the physics approach and specific application of physics, generalization abiliy are needed. In solving mathematical procedures, algorithm ability are needed and to find out logical progressions, debugging ability are needed

    Development of Simple Light Diffraction Props Assisted by Tracker Application with Camera Module and Arduino UNO

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    This study aims to develop simple light diffraction teaching aids that can be used in learning light diffraction material in schools, as well as to train students' science process skills. This study uses the type of research Design Development and Research (DDR) which is divided into four stages of research, namely analysis, design, development, and evaluation. Before being used in the field, these props were first tested for feasibility. The feasibility test of this light diffraction teaching aid was carried out by conducting a validity test, practicality test, and instrument effectiveness test. In the test results of the validity of teaching aids obtained a percentage of 93% with a very valid category. The results of the practicality test obtained a percentage value of 89% with a very practical category. The results of the test of the effectiveness of teaching aids are represented by the student response test, and the teacher's perception test. In the student response test, a percentage of 86% was obtained in the very effective category, while the teacher perception test obtained a percentage of 84% in the very effective category. Based on the three feasibility tests that have been carried out, it can be concluded that this teaching aid is very suitable to be used in learning diffraction material in schools, and can train students' science process skills

    Augmented Reality (AR) in Physics Learning: Opportunities to Improve Teacher and Student Interaction in Online Learning

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    This study aims to describe the views of teachers and students in Islamic schools regarding Augmented Reality (AR) assisted learning to facilitate student involvement in learning, as well as increase teacher-student interactions in the learning process during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study uses a mixed method with a qualitative-quantitative explanatory design. The data collection technique used a questionnaire involving 31 respondents, 3 teachers, and 3 students as resource persons in three Islamic high schools in Lampung Province. The results of the study show that AR-assisted methods have the potential to increase teacher-student interaction by implementing a Learning Management System (LMS) that suits their needs and learning facilities. The results also show that AR provides an effective learning experience, because it displays 3D images so that it is easily accepted by students and makes students interested in learning during online learning. Therefore, the use of AR in learning has the opportunity to increase learning interactions between teachers and students